Section: Partnerships and Cooperations

International Initiatives

Inria International Partners

Following the Diva STREP project, we keep an active collaboration with the SINTEF institute. François Fouquet visited SINTEF for 8 weeks. During this visit, we combined the results of Kevoree and the result of the Moderate from SINTEF project to provide a dynamic component model for a micro-controllers based Internet of Things. Indeed, as the Internet of Things promises new ways for humans to interact with computing systems by seamlessly integrating resource constrained devices and traditional computing environment. These new computing environments are highly volatile and force applications to embed self-adaptive behaviors. The contribution of this collaboration is μ-Kevoree: a plain C implementation of the Kevoree runtime which can be deployed on poor in resources micro-controllers. Evaluation of memory usage, reliability and performance shows that μ-Kevoree is a viable solution with strong benefits over adaptation through dynamic firmware upgrades.

Following the MoCAA Equipe associée, we keep an active collaboration with Colorado State University. Benoit Baudry and Benoit Combemale visited CSU in April 2012 and Philippa Bennett spent a 4-monhts internship in Triskell. We continue the collaboration with Prof. Sanjay Rajopadhye (from the optimizing compiler domain) to cross-fertilize both HPC and MDE. Results of this collaboration were published in the Journal of Software and Systems in October 2012.

Participation In International Programs

  • Program: Foundation Araucaria Inria Brazil

  • Title: Software testing for cloud computing

  • Inria principal investigator: Gerson SUNYE

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • Federal University of Parana (Brazil)

  • Duration: Jul 2011 - Jun 2013

  • Program: PICS International Project of Scientific Cooperation

  • Title: Combiner les lignes de produits logicielles et le d√©veloppement logiciel orient√© aspects

  • Inria principal investigator: Jean-Marc JEZEQUEL

  • International Partner (Institution - Laboratory - Researcher):

    • University of Luxembourg (Luxembourg)

  • Duration: Jan 2009 - Dec 2012